The MM IIIB to LM IA ceramic sequence at Knossos in the context of Crete and the South Aegean


Knossos is the largest and one of the most important settlements of Neopalatial Crete. In ceramic terms, between MM IIIB to LM IA Knossian dominance over the island and beyond reaches its peak. Being the leading political, economic and cultural force any aspect of its material culture deserves special attention both in a pan-Cretan and in a South Aegean context. In order to address the role of Knossos , a ‘back to basics’ approach is necessary. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the ceramic phasing of Knossos for the longest part of the Neopalatial period (MM IIIB to LM IA ). A re-assessment of the current ceramic phasing and nomenclature is presented, based on an overview of the available deposits from the palace and town. Special emphasis is given to the definitions of pottery groups in an attempt to free the discussion of ceramic synchronisms from discrepancies in nomenclature, which impede the definition of clear synchronisms on a pan-Cretan level. The ultimate goal of this paper is to discuss the Knossian ceramic sequence in the context of Cretan and South Aegean synchronisms, the latter being a necessary prerequisite for addressing accurately and effectively the interaction of people, goods and ideas in the Aegean and beyond at the end of the Middle and the beginning of the Late Bronze Age.


Dr. Eleni Hatzaki

Assistant Director British School at Athens

Souedias 52

Athens 106 76

