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Elise 2.1

Relational Database for Ceramic A/B Inventory

Thesaurus especially on demand of the excavation at Tell el-Dab'a/Egypt

Refers to... programmed on a
MS Access97 database-platform

Some selected snapshots of the 4th version of the database. Release date: July 1999:

1) Hauptmenü, Formular (= Main Menu, form)
Start up form, providing all links/operations within the database

2) Wer gibt Daten ein?, Dialog (= Data input entry-check, dialog)
Dialog checks, if the current account/code is valid for input operations

3) Inventarisierung [Formular 1/6], Formular (= Registration [Form 1/6], form)
One of the six main input forms, which supports the registering of new items/objects. Note: Only new items/objects can be added with these kind of forms. To revise already registered items/objects, a so-called revision mode calls 2 forms, which have been created to execute this task.

4) Selektive Suche: Attributvergleich, Formular (= Selective Search: Comparison of Ceramic Attributes, form)
One of the many search forms, implemented in Elise 2.1.

5) Suchergebnis: Attributvergleich, Bericht (= Search Result: Comparison of Ceramic Attributes, report)
Displays the search result in a report. Output with following extensions: *.txt, *.rtf and *.xls. The saved file can also be loaded automatically into the concerned application (normally Notepad, MS Word, MS Excel).

6) Diagramm: Straten, absolut / Bezeichnung, Diagramm (= Diagram: Absolute Strata / Type, diagram/report)
Four different kinds of combinations are possible to create a diagram.

Future versions:

The next release will be able to collect also data from other findings such as stone vessels, bronze daggers, reliefs, limestone models a.m.m. This extension allows combined search of different kind of findings and evaluation. The input of ceramic finds from Tell el-Dab'a will be extended with a new section concerning sherds from different loci (so-called Konvolute).

Therefore, it seems to be more practically to split the database into two. The first should contain only tables and the second should provide all other objects, like forms, reports and modules. The long upload-time via Internet should be reduced then to a normal level.
