International Middle Bronze Age Conference

Vienna, 24th of January - 28th of January 2001

The Early Middle Bronze Age in the Euphrates Valley: The Evidence from Tuttul/Tell Bi'a

Berthold Einwag, University of Munich

Excavations at Tall Bi'a, the ancient Tuttul, brought new evidence for the sequence of Middle Bronze Age pottery in the Syrian Euphrates valley. Between 1983 and 1995 a palace was excavated on the central mound E, of which the latest phase is firmly dated to king Shamshi-Adad and his son by the means of tablets and seal impressions. This paper will present mainly the ceramic material of this phase by discussing the following points: typical ceramic forms, surface treatment and composition of clay. Statistics of the vast amount of pottery allow to distinguish easily between local production and imported vessels. The palace phase antedating the Shamshi-Adad-phase is represented by a smaller ceramic corpus. This, however, seems to be an interesting link between the Shamshi-Adad-dated material and the pottery of the late Early Bronze Age, which was found in the royal cemetery, palace and intermediate layer immediately below, and may be dated to the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age.