International Middle Bronze Age Conference

Vienna, 24th of January - 28th of January 2001

Tombs and Burial Customs at Tell el-Dab'a in Area A/II at the end of the MBIIA Period (Stratum F)

Irene Forstner-Müller, SCIEM2000 Vienna

At the beginning of stratum F a big change occurred on the Tell area : the site was used as a sacred mortuary precinct for the first time, the main temple III was founded and in its surroundings family cemeteries which were in use from now onwards until the end of the Hyksos time.

In this part of Tell el Dab'a excavations have been taken place since 1966 and started again in 1997 when a new cemetery situated to the west of the Canaanite and Egyptian temples could be discovered.

26 tombs which can be dated to this period have been found until now, many of them were undisturbed with burial offerings mainly containing pottery vessels. In this paper these tombs will be presented including the new material of the recent excavations , with the focus on selected points as the dating and stratigraphy, architecture and burial assemblages.