International Middle Bronze Age Conference

Vienna, 24th of January - 28th of January 2001

A typological and chronological approach.

Karin Kopetzky, SCIEM2000 Vienna

In Tell el-Dab'a dipper juglets do appear in all phases from the Middle Kingdom throughout the Second Intermediate Period into the New Kingdom.

The vessels are coming from tomb and temple contexts as well as from settlement material. During this time they developed different characteristics in the different phases of the site. Each phase has its typical combination of shape, clay and surface treatment. The earlier ones (late MK) were clearly imported and are therefor good comparisons to other sites in the Levant. Later on (13th Dyn.) the potters of Tell el-Dab'a started to produce these vessels at the site itself. So the dipper juglets from the MB IIB and C phases followed their own typology most probably only valid for Tell el-Dab'a. Parallel to the locally produced juglets occasionally vessels were still imported from the syro-palestinian area.