International Middle Bronze Age Conference

Vienna, 24th of January - 28th of January 2001

The MB Pottery Sequence and the Chronology of Inner Syria on the Basis of the Ebla Materials

Lorenzo Nigro, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Thanks to the recent excavations in the lower town North at Ebla, which have given a complete architectural stratigraphy from the Early Bronze IVB to the initial, central and final phases of the Middle Bronze Age, it is now possible to draw up a continuous pottery sequence, which can be used to compare this central site with the nearby Hama and many other sets of ceramic materials from Salamiyeh (near Hama), Tell Masin, Mourek, Khan-Sheikhoun, Ansari, Alalakh, Tell Abu Danne, the River el-Quweyq survey and Tell Jenderes. They all provide a quite clear pottery horizon which again at Ebla finds its tentative link with absolute chronology.