Vienna, 24th of January - 28th of January 2001


The participants of the Middle Bronze Age Conference are kindly invited to submit manuscripts for publication containing their contributions to the conference. The editors desire to publish the proceedings quickly after the meeting. Therefore, you are requested to communicate us your paper as soon as possible, but not later than the 15th of June 2001. Please let us know, if you cannot meet that deadline.

The text should be submitted both as file (PC format) and in hard copy. Figures can be accepted as files in TIF or similar format (for PC). The resolution should be 800 dpi for line drawings at the minimum (better 1200 dpi); 300 dpi for black and white photographs (minimum). Good quality drawings and photographs are also suitable. Please indicate the precise measurements at which you wish the figures to be printed as well as the most appropriate place where the figures shall be inserted into the text. Print captions to the figures, tables or plates at separate sheets, and in a separate disc file. Use a capital letter to refer to your article: Fig. 1: ..., lower case letters for other works: fig. 1. Add notes as footnotes.

Cite in a "Harvard-style" format. Please use italics and SMALL CAPITALS as in the examples below:


Single author: PETRIE 1906 »
Bibliography at the end of the article:
Petrie, W.M.F. 1906, Hyksos and Israelite Cities, BSAE 12, London.

Co-author: WARREN and HANKEY 1989 »
Bibliography at the end of the article:
Warren, P.M. and Hankey, V. 1989, Aegean Bronze Age Chronology, Bristol.

Contribution in book with editor(s):
LUFT 1998 »
Bibliography at the end of the article:
Luft, U. 1998, Toponyms at Lahun, 1-41, in: St. Quirke (ed.), Lahun Studies, Reigate.
If the edidors book is equally cited:
Luft, U. 1998, Toponyms at Lahun, 1-41, in: St. Quirke (ed.) 1998. »
Quirke, St. (ed.) 1998, Lahun Studies, Reigate.


Bibliography at the end of the article:
Weinstein, J.M. 1974, A Statuette of Princess Sobeknofru at Gezer, BASOR 213, 49-57.

Please send all manuscripts to the following address:

Ernst Czerny
SCIEM 2000
Strohgasse 45/7
A-1030 Wien

Tel.: +43 1 515 81 6112
Fax: +43 1 515 81 6114

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