
This project needs the widest international co-operation available. V. Karageorghis, the former Director general of the Cypriot Department of Antiquities and doyen of Cypriot research organised a special conference on WS-wares at Nikosia. Another conference on this subject is planned for the year 2000 at Göteborg. Co-operation is also planned with Paul Åström, Emeritus Professor, Gothenburg University, and editor of several series of publications on Cyprus and the Aegean and with Robert S. Merrillees, Australian ambassador and renowned scholar in Cypriot and Eastern Mediterranean archaeology. With Edgar Peltenburg from the University of Edinburgh we have a long standing co-operation in research.

For the LPW the Carsten Niebuhr Institute from the University of Copenhagen with Tine Bagh is an asset. For the Mycenean wares independent analyses by, A. Leonard and P. Mountjoy can be expected. In the search for Cypriot pottery in Syria, Mme. Elisabeth Lagarce, M. Jacques Lagarce, CNRS, and Mme. Marguerite Yon, Univ. Lyon, have made valuable studies and will certainly provide reports in the future.