
For this project exists a co-operation with the European Commission which provides funds for basic investigations starting in spring 1998 (see table 6).

The following persons and Institutions have been contacted and offered cooperation (in particular requsting the donation of pumice samples from the excavations).

Prof. Dr. Harald Hauptmann Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Istanbul, Turkey Prof. Dr. Gaballah Aly Gaballah Egyptian Supreme Councel of Antiquities, Cairo, Egypt
Prof. Dr. Paolo Matthiae Dip. Scienze Storiche Archeologiche e Antropologiche dell´ Antichità Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy Prof. Dr. Paul Åström University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Vassos Karageorghis Leventis Foundation
Cyprus, Greece
Prof. Dr. Jacques Lagarce CNRS, Paris, France
Prof. Dr. Marguerite Yon Maison de l´Orient Lyon, France Prof. Dr. Amihai Mazar The Hebrew University, Israel
Prof. Dr. David Ussishkin University of Tel Aviv, Israel ao.Univ.-Prof. DDr. Peter M. Fischer Director The Swedish Jordan Expedition University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Manfred Bietak, University of Vienna , Austria Prof. Dr. S. Manning, University of Reading , UK
Prof. Dr. W.-D. Niemeier, University of Heidelberg , Germany Prof. Dr. M. Artzy, University of Haifa , Israel
Prof. Dr. Samuel Wolff, Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem , Israel Prof. Dr. Z. Herzog, University of Tel Aviv , Israel
Prof. Dr. L.E. Stager, Harvard Semitic Museum , Cambridge , MA , USA Dr. F. Berti, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Ferrara, Italy
Prof. Dr. N. Momigliano, University of Bristol , UK Prof. Dr. P. Warren, University of Bristol , UK
Prof. Dr. E.D. Oren, Ben Gurion University of Negev , Beer-Sheva , Israel