Publications & References


1) C.J. VITALIANO, S.R. TAYLOR, M.D. NORMAN, M.T. MCCULLOCH AND I.A. NICHOLLS "Ash layers of the Thera volcanic series: Stratigraphy, petrology and geochemistry", in D.A. Hardy et al (ed.s) 'Thera and the Aegaean World III', Vol. 2, 53-78, The Thera Foundation (London 1990).

2) V. FRANCAVIGLIA, B. DI SABATINO "Statistical study on Santorini pumice falls", in D.A. Hardy et al (ed.s), 'Thera and the Aegaean World III', Vol. 2, 29-52, The Thera Foundation (London 1990).

3) P.M. WARREN, H. PUCHELT "Stratified pumice from Bronze age Knossos" in D.A. Hardy et al (ed.s), 'Thera and the Aegaean World III', Vol. 3, 71-81, The Thera Foundation (London 1990).

4) W.L. FRIEDRICH "Feuer im Meer-Vulkanismus und Naturgeschichte der Insel Santorin", Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (Heidelberg-Berlin-Oxford 1994).

5) H. PICHLER, W.L. FRIEDRICH "Mechanism of the Minoan eruption of Santorini", in C.DOUMAS (Ed.), 'Thera and the Aegaean World II', The Thera Foundation (London 1980).

6) H. SIGURDSSON, S. CAREY, J.D. DEVINE "Assessment of mass dynamics and environmental effects of the Minoan eruption of Santorini volcano", in D.A. Hardy et al (ed.s), 'Thera and the Aegaean World III', Vol. 2, The Thera Foundation (London 1990).

7) M. BICHLER, H. EGGER, A. PREISINGER, D. RITTER, P. STASTNY "NAA of the 'Minoan pumice' at Thera and comparison to alluvial pumice deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean region", Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 224, 1-2, 7-14, (1997).

8) D.G. SULLIVAN "The discovery of Santorini Minoan thephra in Western Turkey", Nature 333, 552 (1988).

9) G.M. DIPAOLA "Volcanology and Petrology of Nisyros island (Dodekanese, Greece)", Bull. Volcanol. 38, 944-987.

10) A. BOND "Multiple sources of pumice in the Aegaean", Nature 259, 194-195 (1976).

11) J. KELLER "Prehistoric pumice tephra on Aegaean islands", in C. Doumas (ed.) 'Thera and the Aegaean World II', 49-56, The Thera Foundation (London 1980).

12) J. KELLER, TH. REHREN, E. STADLBAUER "Explosive volcanism in the hellenic arc: a summary and review", in D.A. Hardy et al (ed.s), 'Thera and the Aegaean World III', Vol. 2, 13-26, The Thera Foundation (London 1990).

13) M. FYTIKAS, F. INNOCENTI, N. KOLIOS, P. MANETTI, R. MAZZUOLI, G. POLI, F. RITA,L. VILLARI "Volcanology and petrology of volcanic products from the island of Milos and neighbouring islands", J. of Volcanol. and Geotherm. Res. 28, 297-317 (1986).

14) D.J. STANLEY, H. SHENG "Volcanic sherds from Santorini (Upper Minoan ash) in the Nile Delta, Egypt", Nature 320, 733-735 (1986).

15) M. BICHLER "Purification of activated charcoal for use as sorbent in NAA of trace elements in volcanic exhalations", J. of Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 166, 31-40 (1992).

16) M. BICHLER, YASMINE B. JENKE, L. KRYSTYN "Determination of REE by INAA in conodont apatite of Triassic age", J. of Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 186/5, 425-439 (1994).

17) M. BICHLER, A.PREISINGER "Comparison of trace element distribution in alluvial pumice deposits", 3rd Int. Workshop on Short-Time Activation Analysis, High Rate Gamma Spectroscopy and X-ray Techniques, Vienna, 3.-7. 4. 1995.

18) M. BICHLER, H. EGGER, A. PREISINGER, D. RITTER, P. STASTNY "NAA of the "Minoan pumice" at Thera and comparison to Alluvial pumice deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean region", J. of Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 224, 1-2, 7-14 (1997). (previous page)

19) C. PELTZ, P. SCHMID, M. BICHLER "INAA of Aegaen pumices for the classification of archaeological findings", J. of Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 242/2, 361-377 (1999)

20) F. BACHMAYER, N. SYMEONIDIS, R. SEEMANN, H. ZAPFE "Die Ausgrabungen in der Zwergelefantenhöhle Charkadio auf der Insel Tilos (Dodekanes, Griechenland) in den Jahren 1974 und 1975", Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 80, 113-144 (1976).

21) P. SCHMID, C. PELTZ, V.M.F. HAMMER, E. HALWAX, T. NTAFLOS, P. MAGL, M. BICHLER „Separation and Analysis of Theran Volcanic Glass by INAA, XRF and EPMA”, Mikrochimica Acta 133, 143-149 (2000).

22) S. SAMINGER, C. PELTZ, M. BICHLER “South Aegean volcanic glass - separation and analysis by INAA and EPMA”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 245, 375-383 (2000).

23) C. PELTZ, M. BICHLER „Classification of archaeologically stratified pumice by INAA”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 248/1, 81-87 (2001).

24) M. BICHLER, C. PELTZ, S. SAMINGER , M. EXLER „Aegean tephra - an analytical approach to a controversy about chronology”, Egypt and the Levant 12, 55-70 (2002).

25) H. HUBER, M. BICHLER „Chronological correlation of archaeological sites using tephra from the Minoan Eruption”, Czech. J. Phys., 53 Suppl A, A439-A453 (2003).

26) H. HUBER, M. BICHLER, A. MUSILEK „Identification of Pumice and Volcanic Ash from Archaeological Sites in the Eastern Mediterranean Region using Chemical fingerprinting”, Egypt and the Levant 13, 83-106 (2003).

27) M. BICHLER, B. DUMA, H. HUBER " Application of INAA to reveal the chemical evolution of selected volcanic eruptiva from Santorini , Greece ", J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 262/1, 57-65 (2004).

CLAUDIA PELTZ, Dissertation "Vergleichende Analyse von sauren Eruptivgesteinen aus dem ägäischen Raum mittels Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse und Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse" (Vienna 1999)

PETRA SCHMID, Master Thesis "Separation und vergleichende Analyse kristallitfreier Glasfraktionen aus natürlichen Bimssteinvorkommen" (Vienna 1999)

SUSANNE SAMINGER, Master Thesis " Charakterisierung vulkanischer Glasaschen mittels vergleichender Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse und Elektronenstrahlmikrosondenanalyse" (Vienna 2000)

DANIELA MANDL, Master Thesis " Herkunftsbestimmung prähistorischer Obsidianartefakte mittels physikalischer Analysenmethoden" (Vienna 2001)

BARBARA DUMA, Master Thesis " Aktivierungsanalytische Untersuchung präminoischer Eruptivgesteine der Insel Thera (Santorini) " (Vienna 2002)

RICHARD FINK, Master Thesis " Radiochemische Klassifikation von Eruptivgesteinen aus archäologischen Grabungen in Milet" (Vienna 2003)

GEORG STEINHAUSER, Dissertation "Zusammensetzung und Verbreitung vulkanischer Eruptionsprodukte im zweiten vorchristlichen Jahrtausend" (Vienna, in progress)