Publications & References


BIKAI, P.M. 1991. The Cedar of Lebanon: Archaeological and dendrochronological perspectives. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Berkeley (unpublished), 424 pp.

DAVIES, W.V. 1995. Ancient Egyptian timber imports. An analysis of wooden coffins in the British Museum. (in: DAVIES, W.V. and SCHOFIELD, L. (eds.) Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant. Interconnections in the Second Millennium BC). British Museum Press.

GROSSER, D. et al. 1992. Holz - ein wichtiger Werkstoff im alten Ägypten. (in S. SCHOSKE et al. (eds.) "Anch" - Blumen für das Leben. Schriften aus der ägyptischen Sammlung, Heft 6, Staatliche Sammlung ägyptischer Kunst, Munich.

KROMER, K. 1991. Nezlet Batran - eine Mastaba aus dem Alten Reich bei Giseh (Ägypten). Österr. Akad. d. Wissenschaften, Denkschriften der Gesamtakad. Bd. 12. Vienna

KUNIHOLM, P.I. 1996. The prehistoric Aegean: Dendrochronological progress as of 1995. Acta Archaeologica 67: 327 - 335.

LEV-YADUN, S. 1992. The Origin of the Cedar Beams from Al-Aqsa Mosque: Botanical, Historical and Archaeological Evidence. Levant 24: 201 - 208.

LIPHSCHITZ, N. 1986.Overview of the dendrochronological and dendroarcheological research in Israel. Dendrochronologia 4: 37 - 58.

LIPHSCHITZ, N. and BIGER, G. 1992. Israel: Historical timber trade in the Levant: the use of Cedrus libani in construction of buildings in Israel from ancient times to the early twentieth century. (in BARTHOLIN, T.S. et al. (eds.) Tree Rings and Environment. Lundqua Report 34: 202 - 206.

LUCAS, U. and HARRIS, J.R. 1962. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries. Edward Arnold, London.

MEIGGS, R. 1982. Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Oxford.

MUNAUT, A.V. and SERRE-BACHET, F. 1982. The Mediterranean Area. in HUGHES, M.K. et al. (eds.) Climate from tree rings. Cambridge.

NEWTON, M.W. 1996. Dendrochronology at Catal Hoyuk: A 576-year tree-ring chronology for the early Neolithic of Anatolia. M.A. thesis Cornell University, 110 pp.

NIBBI, A. 1981. Ancient Egypt and some Eastern Neighbours. New Jersey.

NIBBI, A. 1987. Some remarks on the LEXIKON ENTRY: Zeder, Cedar. Discussions in Egyptology 7:13 - 27.

NIBBI, A. 1994. Some remarks on the cedar of Lebanon. Discussions in Egyptology 28: 35-52.

NIBBI, A. 1996. Cedar again. Discussions in Egyptology 34: 37-59.

SCHWEINGRUBER, F.H. 1992. Baum und Holz in der Dendrochronologie. 2. Aufl., Birmensdorf.

TILL, C. 1984. A synthesis of response functions from eight cedar trees located in northern Africa. Dendrochronologia 2: 73 - 82.

WAGENFÜHR, R. and SCHEIBER, Ch. 1989. Holzatlas. Leipzig.

A recent list of wooden remains of Cedrus libani found at different archaeological sites in Israel is given in N. LIPHSCHITZ and G. BIGER (1992).

P.M. BIKAI (1991) wrote a Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Berkeley about "The Cedar of Lebanon: Archaeological and dendrochronological perspectives" (unpublished).