Publications & References


K.M. KENYON, Excavations at Jericho, Vol. I, The Tombs excavated in 1952-1954, (London 1960)

Ead. & T.A. HOLLAND, vol. IV, The Pottery Type Series and other Finds (London 1982)

T.A. HOLLAND, vol. V, The Pottery Phases of the Tell and other Finds (London 1983)

N. MARCHETTI & L. NIGRO, Quaderni di Gerico 1 (Rome 1998)

W.G. DEVER et al., Gezer I, Preliminary Report of the 1964-66 Seasons (Jerusalem 1970)

W.G. DEVER et al., Gezer II, Preliminary Report of the 1967-70 Seasons in Fields I and II (Jerusalem 1974)

W.G. DEVER et al., Gezer IV, Preliminary Report of the 1969-71 Seasons in Field IV, "The Acropolis" 1-2 (Jerusalem 1986)

J. SEGER, Gezer V, The Field I Caves (Jerusalem 1988)

Y. YADIN et al., Hazor 1-IV, An Account of the First Season of Excavations, Jerusalem 1955; Second Season, Jerusalem 1956; Third and Fourth Seasons 1957-1958, Plates, Jerusalem 1958-1961; Third and Fourth Seasons 1957-1958, Text, ed. by A. BEN TOR (Jerusalem 1989)

Y. YADIN, Hazor, The Head of All Those Kingdoms, Schweich Lectures 1970 (London 1972)

Y. YADIN, Hazor, The Rediscovery of a Great Citadel of the Bible (New York 1975)

A. BEN TOR et al., Hazor V, An Account of the 5th Season of Excavations, 1968 (Jerusalem 1997)

G. SCHUMACHER, Tell el-Mutesellim I (Leipzig 1908)

C. WATZINGER, Tell el-Mutesellim II (Leipzig 1929)

P.L.O. Guy & R.M. Engberg, Megiddo Tombs (Chicago 1938)

C.S. FISHER, The Excavations of Armageddon (Chicago 1929)

R. LAMON & G.M. SHIPTON, Megiddo I (Chicago 1939)

G.M. SHIPTON, Notes on the Megiddo Pottery of Strata VI-XX (Chicago 1939)

G. LOUD, Megiddo II (Chicago 1948)

A. KEMPINSKI, Megiddo: A -City State and Royal Centre in North Israel, Materialien zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Archäologie 40 (Munich 1989)

K.M. KENYON, The Middle and Late Bronze Age Strata at Megiddo, Levant 1 (1969), 25-60

I. DUNAYEVSKI & A. KEMPINSKI, The Megiddo Temples, ZDPV 89 (1973), 175-181

KOCHAVI and P. BECK, Tel Aphek I. Tel Aviv (forthcoming)

R. AMIRAN, Ancient Pottery of the Holy Land. With assistance of P. BECK and U. ZEVULUN (Jerusalem 1969)