Publications & References


P. KEHRBERG, Northern Cyprus in the Transition from the Early to the Middle Cypriot Period: Typology, Relative and Absolute Chronology of Some Early Cypriot III to Middle Cypriot I Tombs, SIMA-PB 108 (Jonsered 1995)

P. ÅSTRÖM, Excavations at Kalopsidha and Ayios Iakovos in Cyprus, SIMA III (Lund 1966)

J.C. BIERS and D. SOREN, Studies in Cypriot Archaeology (Los Angeles 1981) 59-78

P. ÅSTRÖM, Katydhata, A Bronze Age Site in Cyprus, SIMA LXXXVI (Partille 1989)

E. VERMEULE, Toumba tou Skourou, A Bronze Age Potter's Quarter on Morphou Bay in Cyprus (Boston 1990)

V. KARAGEORGHIS and M. DEMAS, Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Nicosia 1984)

P. ÅSTRÖM et al., Hala Sultan Tekke 1-10 (Gothenburg/Jonsered, 1975-1998)

V. KARAGEORGHIS and M. DEMAS, Excavations at Maa-Palaekastro 1979-1986 (Nicosia 1988)

E. FRENCH and P. ÅSTRÖM, in: The Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus in 1980, 167-269

F.-G. MAIER and V. KARARAGEORGHIS, Paphos, History and Archaeology (Nicosia 1984)

V. KARAGEORGHIS, Alaas, A Protogeometric Necropolis in Cyprus (Nicosia 1975)

P. ÅSTRÖM, The Chronology of the Middle Cypriot Bronze Age in: High, Middle or Low? Acts of an International Colloquium on Absolute Chronology held at the University of Gothenburg, 20th - 22nd August 1987 I, ed. by P. ÅSTRÖM.(Gothenburg 1987), 57-66

R. S. MERRILLEES, The Absolute Chronology of the Bronze Age in Cyprus. Report of the Department of Antiquities Cyprus. (Nikosia 1977) 33-50

R. S. MERRILLEES, The Absolute Chronology of the Bronze Age in Cyprus: A Revision. BASOR 288 (1992) 47-53

D. L. SALTZ, A Chronology of the Middle Cypriot Period. Report of the Department of Antiquities Cyprus (Nikosia 1977) 51-70

L.C. MAGUIRE, A Cautious Approach to the Middle Bronze Age Chronology of Cyprus. E&L 3 (1992) 115-120

M. BIETAK, Tell el-Dab'a V. (Vienna 1991)

M. BIETAK, MDAIK 26 (1970), pl. 23/w

P. ÅSTRÖM, The Late Cypriot Bronze Age. Architecture and Pottery. Swedish Cyprus Expedition IV: 1c (Lund 1972)

P. ÅSTRÖM, The Late Cypriot Bronze Age. Relative and Absolute Chronology, Foreign Relations, Summary and Historical Conclusions, In: Swedish Cyprus Expedition IV: 1d, (Lund 1972)

S.B. MANNING, The Bronze Age Eruption of Thera: Absolute Dating. Aegean Chronology and Mediterranean Cultural Interrelation. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology I: 1 (1988) 17-82

K.O. ERIKSSON, Late Cypriot I and Thera: Relative Chonology in the Eastern Mediterranean. In: Acta Cypria, III, ed. by P. ÅSTRÖM. (Jonsered 1992), 155

K.O. ERIKSSON, Red Lustrous Wheel-Made Ware. SIMA CIII (Jonsered 1993)

H. GATES, Alalach and Chronology again, in: High, Middle or Low? Acts of an International Colloquium on Absolute Chronology held at the University of Gothenburg, 20th - 22nd August 1987 II, ed. by P. ÅSTRÖM (Gothenburg 1987), 20-22

M. HEINZ, Tell Atzana/Alalakh, Die Schichten VII-XVII. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 41, ed. by K. BERGERHOF et al. (Neukirchen/Vluyn 1992), 203-205

L.C. MAGUIRE, A Cautious Approach to the Middle Bronze Age Chronology at Cyprus. E&L 3 (1992) 115-120

L.C. MAGUIRE, Tell el-Dab'a, the Cypriot Connection. In: Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant, Interconnections in the Second Millennium BC ed. by W.V. DAVIS and L. SCHOFIELD, British Museum Press (London 1996), 54-65

M. BIETAK, The Late Cypriot White Slip I-Ware as an Obstacle to the High Aegean Chronology - an Abstract. In: Sardinian Stratigraphy and Mediterranean Chronology, ed. by M.S. BALMUTH and R. H. TYKOTH (Oxford 1998)

M. BIETAK and I. HEIN, Proto White Slip and White Slip I Ware in Tell el-Dab'a (forthcoming)

R. S. MERRILLEES, The Cypriot Bronze Age Pottery Found in Egypt, SIMA XVIII (Partille 1968)

I. JACOBSSON, Aegyptiaca from Late Bronze Age Cyprus, SIMA CXII (Partille 1994)