Publications & References


P. WARREN and V. HANKEY, Aegean Bronze Age Chronology (Bristol 1989)

P. BETANCOURT, The History of Minoan Pottery (Princeton 1985) 64-184

A. J. EVANS, The Palace of Minos I-IV (London 1928-1935)

B.J. KEMP and R.S. MERRILLEES, Minoan Pottery in Second Millennium in Egypt (Mainz 1980)

A. LEONARD Jr., An Index to the Late Bronze Age Aegean Pottery from Syria-Palestine, SIMA CXIV (Jonsered 1994)

J. S. PHILIPPS, The Import and Implications of the Egyptian and 'Egyptianizing' Material found in Bronze Age Crete ca. 3000 - ca. 1100 BC, PhD thesis, University Toronto 1991 (unpublished)

E. H. CLINE, Sailing in the Wine-Dark Sea, International Trade and the late Bronze Age Aegean, Tempus Reparatum, BAR Int. Series 591 (Oxford 1994)

P. BETANCOURT in The History of Minoan Pottery (1985) 64-184

P. WARREN and V. HANKEY in Aegean Bronze Age Chronology (1989) (henceforward ABAC)

E.B. HALAGER (ed.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology, Acts of the Meeting held in the Danish Institute at Athens August 12-14, 1994 (Athens 1997)

B.J. KEMP and R.S. MERRILLEES, Minoan Pottery in Second Millennium Egypt, 1980

E. FIANDRA Proc7thIntCretCongress 1991 (1995) A 1, 333-5

E. KARANTZALI, BCH 110 (1986) 53-87

L. ROCCHETTI in L. ROCCHETTI (ed), Sybrita, La valle di Amari fra Bronzo e Ferro (Rome 1994), 237-48

A. D'AGATA, in: R. LAFFINEUR (ed), Transition, Aegaeum 3 (Liège 1989), 93-8

N. BONACASA, ASAtene 29-30 (1967-8), 7-54

D. LEVI, Festos e la civilta minoica I (Rome 1976), 747-56

J. and E. SAKELLARAKIS, Archanes (Athens 1991), 101-3

MACGILLIVRAY'S, Pottery of the Old Palace Period at Knossos, Diss. Univ. of Edinburgh, 1986

H.W. CATLING, E.A. CATLING and D. SMYTH, BSA 74 (1979) 1-80

M.R. POPHAM, The Unexplored Mansion at Knossos (Oxford 1984)

S. ALEXIOU, Usterominwikoi tafoi limenoV Knwsou (Katsampa) (Athens 1967)

B POPHAM, The Destruction of the Palace at Knossos, Pottery of the Late Minoan III A Period, SIMA 12 (Lund 1970)

B POPHAM, The Last Days of the Palace of Knossos, Complete Vases of the Late Minoan III B Period, SIMA 5 (Lund 1964)

J.C. POURSAT, in: TECNH 6th Int. Aegean Conf. Philadelphia 1996, Aegaeum 16.2 (Liège1997), 301-304

H. VAN EFFENTERRE, Le palais de Mallia et la cité minoenne I-II (Rome 1980)

P. MUHLY, MinwikoV laxeutoV tafoV ston Poro Hrakleiou (AnaskafhV 1967) (Athens 1992)

P.P. BETANCOURT and C. DAVARAS (eds), Pseira I, The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A (Philadelphia 1985)

M. MARTHARI, Akrwthri QhraV: h kerameikh tou strwmatoV thV hfaisteiakhV katastrofhV, Diss. Univ. of Athens 1993

D. HARDY and A.C. RENFREW (eds), Thera and the Aegean World III 3 Chronology (London 1990)

J.A. MACGILLIVRAY, Knossos, Pottery Groups of the Old Palace Period (forthcoming)

P. KUNIHOLM, et al., Nature 381, 27 June 1996, 780-3

L. MAGUIRE, W.V. DAVIES and L. SCHOFIELD (eds), Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant (1995) 55

M. BIETAK, Avaris, The Capital of the Hyksos (London 1996)

W-D. NIEMEIER, JdAI 95 (1980), 72-4

G. WALBERG, A Gold Pendant from Tell el-Dab'a, Egypt and the Levant 2 (1991) 111-114

G. WALBERG, The finds at Tell el-Dab'a and the Middle Minoan Chronology, Egypt and the Levant 2 (1991) 115-120

M. BIETAK, Minoan Wall Paintings unearthed in Ancient Avaris, Egyptian Archaeology 2 (1992) 26-28

M. BIETAK, Les fresques minoennes dans le delta orientale du Nil, in: Le Monde de la Bible, Archéologie et Histoire 88 (1994) 42-44

M. BIETAK, Die Wandmalereien aus Tell el-Dab'a/'Ezbet Helmi - erste Eindrücke, E&L 4 (1994) 44-58

M. BIETAK, Les debuts de la XVIIe Dynastie et les Minoens à Avaris, BSFE 135 (1996) 11-44

M. BIETAK and N. MARINATOS, Minoan Wall Paintings from Avaris, E&L 5 (1995) 43-62

M. BIETAK, Minoan Paintings in Avaris/Egypt, in: Papers of the International Symposium The Wall Paintings of Thera, Thera, Hellas, 30th August - 4th September 1997 (in print)

M. BIETAK, N. MARINATOS and C. PALYVOU, The Maze Tableau from Tell el-Dab'a (in preparation)