The Mycenaean Pottery from Tel Aphek: Chronology and Patterns of Trade
Marta Guzowska and Assaf Yasur-Landau

The manorial structure in area X at Tel Aphek, sometimes referred to as the "Egyptian Residence", yielded one of the most important contexts for the understanding of the relative and absolute dates connected to the close of the Late Bronze Age in Canaan. Its contents, a rich array of local and imported pottery, as well as several inscribed clay tablets provide excellent synchronisms between the cultures of Egypt, Palestine, Ugarit, Cyprus and the Aegean.

The Mycenaean pottery from the residence is now for the first time fully studied and put into context. The vessels gathered by the inhabitants of the residency, dating from at early as LHIIIA2 to LHIIIB2, if not later, provide intriguing details on patterns of trade, imported pottery consumption, and new data on the possible date for the destruction of the residence and the absolute chronology of the local pottery within it.
