The Public Face of the Absolute Chronology for Cypriot Prehistory
Sophocles Hadjisavvas

The Swedish Cyprus Expedition along with its impressive contribution to the archaeology of Cyprus is also credited with the establishment of the relative and absolute chronology of Cypriot prehistory. This chronology, though criticised from time to time is still serving its purpose, with only some minor changes.
The need, however, to establish a relative and absolute chronology for the prehistory of Cyprus which can be used for public and academic purposes became pressing after much disagreement appearing in recent publications.
New terminologies and chronologies are creating much confusion among scholars, but mostly museum visitors and students. The need for simplicity, especially in museum displays and labeling became a priority for the Department of Antiquities.
Some of the changes adopted for the earliest prehistory of Cyprus, and already used in the re-arranged first exhibition gallery of the Cyprus Museum were met with some criticism.
In order to reach a consensus on the re-establishment of the chronology of the Bronze Age a circular letter was sent out to all specialists engaged in the Cyprus Bronze Age. Their preliminary views will be taken into consideration. This action will be followed by a round table discussion.
The outcome and issues related to our new initiative will be discussed in the 2nd Euro conference SCIEM 2000 in Vienna.
