Compelling evidence for a Thera eruption in 1645BC
Claus U.Hammer

A major common volcanic signal found in 3 Greenland deep ice cores has been dated and analyzed chemically.The chemical signal covers the years 1644-1643 BC and has a deposition over time,which suggests an eruptive site south of Greenland but north of some 300 N.
Analysis of the associated tephra glasses by ASEM and SIMS reveals a glass composition ,which concurs with a major Thera eruption in 1645 BC as proposed by Hammer et al,1987 and Hammer et al,SCIEM Proceedings 2002(in press).
Further evidence on the dating accuracy of +-4 years and that the signal was caused by an eruption at a latitude between 300-500N will be presented.
If all the information obtained on this volcanic signal in the ice cores is considered it must be concluded,that the evidence for a Thera eruption in 1645BC+-4 years is compelling.
