Mycenaean Pottery in the levant: An Introduction to MycIndex 3.2
Albert Leonard, Jr

The MycIndex is a searchable computer database that presently contains over 6500 examples of Aegean-made ceramics - both sherds and whole vessels - that were imported into Syria-Palestine, Cyprus, Rhodes and Anatolia during the Late Bronze Age. A report on an earlier phase of this project (MycIndex 3.1) was presented at the SCIEM 2000 EuroConference held at Haindorf, Austria, in May 2001 ("The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C.") where the utility of the database in providing comparanda to other known imported pieces, as well as solving problems in distribution and chronology were demonstrated. Subsequently, with the assistance of funding provided by SCIEM 2000, additional refinements were made to this program, including the addition of a separate field to identify the type of archaeological context in which each object was found as well as an assessment of the stratigraphical integrity of that context. This work has resulted in the latest version of the program, MycIndex 3.2. This paper presents a progress report on the MycIndex project as a whole, while also providing a "how-to" guide for the potential user of the database.
