Egyptian and Egyptian-style Pottery at Beth Shean
Mario Martin

While at Beth Shean several Egyptian pottery forms already appear already in the Late Fifteenth to Fourteenth centuries (Eighteenth Dynasty), the Egyptian influence is most conspicuous in the Thirteenth and Twelfth centuries (Nineteenth and Twentieth dynasties), when a larger variety of Egyptian forms appears in a ratio of up to 50% of the entire ceramic assemblage. Almost all of these forms are locally produced, a few imports were noted. It is mainly these imports, which provide interesting chronological clues, while the locally produced vessels are more interesting from an ethnical point of view. The author of the paper worked mainly on the pottery material of Areas S (Strata S-5 to S-3; Late Thirteenth - Twelfth century) and Q (Q-3 to Q-1; Thirteenth - Twelfth century).
