Aegean-style pottery in the Levant at the end of LBA: Remarks on Chronology, Trade patterns and Regional Production
Eliezer D. Oren

The last phase of the Late Bronze Age, during the "swan song" of Egyptian domination of Canaan (late Ramesside period, 1180-40 BCE) is a well-defined political and cultural entity. It witnessed the breakdown of the complex Bronze Age trade network with the Aegean and Cyprus and the response of the Levantine markets to these changes.
This presentation will discuss some well-placed assemblages in Canaan for dating the latest Aegean imports. Attention will be paid to the formation of special economic ties with Cyprus as well as the replacement of standard Aegean products with local substitutes packaged in Aegean Styled containers. Recent NAA studies help in sourcing some of these quasi-Mycenaean vessels and illuminate the trade patterns in the eastern Mediterranean.
