Exchange of goods and ideas between Cyprus and Crete in the 'Dark Ages'?
Constance v. Rüden

The intention of this paper is to discuss different kinds of exchange between Crete and Cyprus during the so-called Dark Ages (subminoan period respectively LC III B). In spite of the interpretation of this period as a time of regression and retreat concerning the interregional exchange, sometimes a close connection between Crete and Cyprus has been postulated.
The material base of evidence for this presumption was examined. In order to prevent a bias of interpretation, the different general theories in regard to this period were left aside.
First I looked for some pieces of evidence - on both islands - for the exchange of goods, this means imports. However this turned out to be a problem, because the contexts of the Cretan items seem to be shaky.
The next question is whether there are stylistic and thematic parallels, especially in regard to the Proto-White-Painted ware of Cyprus and the subminoan ware of Crete, which could indicate an interchange of ideas. Finally some remarks concerning the possibility of a transfer of technology.
All archaeological evidence brought forward hints at the limits of the data base given so far.
