The Middle Kingdom Cemetery at Edfu - Upper Egyptian Necropolis Ware?
Teodozja Rzeuska

Tell Edfu was the site of intensive archaeological research until the late 1930's. The excavations there were first led by the French expedition, and subsequently by the Polish-French one. As a result of the works, such monuments as the Middle Kingdom necropolis were unearthed. Ceramics from this site, stored at the National Museum in Warsaw, can be divided into two groups. The first are vessels from daily life, also present at settlements. The second group is comprised of vessels probably produced strictly for funerary use, because they are only found in the necropolis of Upper Egypt. It can be testament not only to the originality of the workshops from whence it came, but possibly also of the distinctness of Upper Egyptian funerary ceramics from those of Lower Egypt during the times of the Middle Kingdom.
