Tel Miqne, Tel Ashdod and the Appearance of Philistine Pottery
David Ussishkin

Based on the excavations of Tel Miqne and Tel Ashdod Trude Dothan formulated her concept regarding the development of Philistine pottery: Monochrome Pottery ("Mycenaean IIIC Ib locally made") - but no Bichrome Pottery - appear in the first stage of Philistine settlement. In the second stage, Bichrome pottery appears, and was used side by side with Monochrome pottery. In the third stage Bichrome pottery replaced the Monochrome pottery.

The evidence from Tel Miqne and Tel Ashdod shows, however, that the chronological division between Monochrome and Bichrome pottery lacks any stratigraphical and factual basis. It appears that both pottery classes appear and were in use at the same time.

The above conclusion supports the 'low chronology' date of the Philistine settlement in Canaan. As indicated by the evidence from the main key sites, Megiddo, Lachish and Tel Miqne, the Philistine immigration and settlement probably occurred ca. 1130 BCE.
