Seals and Sealing Activity in the pr h3ty-' of the Middle Kingdom Settlement of Wah-Sut, South Abydos
Joseph William Wegner

Sealings of the s3t-nswt Renyseneb and other female seal impressions in the mayoral residence and settlement of Wah-sut: historical and social implications

This paper will examine the parameters and archaeological context of female seal impressions in the late Middle Kingdom settlement at Wah-Sut, South Abydos. Sealings of a king's daughter Renyseneb will be examined in detail in terms of their distribution patterns and archaeological context within a probable female habitation sector in the pr h3ty-'. The chronological and social implications of the Renyseneb sealings will be considered in the framework of evidence for the duration of occupation and organization of town administration at Wah-sut. The nature of titles and sealing practice seen in other female sealings recovered from the town will be discussed as to whether they reflect sealing activities of female seal owners in domestic administrative practices in the elite households at Wah-sut.
