Preliminary Programme
of the International
Middle Bronze Age Conference

Vienna, 24th of January - 28th of January 2001

Clubraum of the Austrian Academy of Science
Dr.-Ignaz-Seipl-Platz 2, A-1010 Vienna, Austria


Strohgasse 45/7, A-1030 Vienna, Austria


24th of January

arrival of participants and initial discussions

25th of January

morning session

9:00 opening of the conference by Prof. Herwig Friesinger, Secretary of the philosophical-historical Class of the Austrian Academy

9:15 Manfred Bietak: The aim of this conference and the vision of future co-operation.

9:30 Irene Forstner-Müller: Tombs and Burial Customs at Tell el-Dab'a in Area A/II at the end of the MBIIA Period (Stratum F).

10:00 David Aston: MBIIA Imports at Tell el Dab'a.

11:00-11:15 coffee break

11:15 Robert Schiestl: Syro-Palestinian Links in a late Middle Kingdom Cemetery in Tell el-Dab'a, Egypt. The Tombs from area F/I, Strata d/2 and d/1.

11:45 Karin Kopetzky: The MB dipper juglets of Tell el-Dab'a. A typological and chronological approach.

12:45 Tine Bagh: Painted Pottery at the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age.

13:45-15:00 lunch break

afternoon session

15:00 Vera Müller: Offering Practices in the Temple Court - a comparison between Tell el-Dab'a and Nahariya.

16:00 Ross Voss: A Sequence of Four Middle Bronze Gates in Ashkelon.

16:30 Lawrence Stager: The MB2A pottery sequence at Tel Ashkelon.

17:30-17:45 coffee break

17:45 Susan Cohen: MBIIA settlement and ceramic typology in the Southern Levant.

18:45 Ezra Marcus: Seaborne pots and people: maritime mobility and ceramic distribution in the MBA Levant and Egypt.

26th of January

morning session

9:00 Lilly Gershuny: MB material from Ashkelon.

10:00 David Ilan: Cultural and Chronological Implications from the early MB Pottery from Tel Dan.

11:00-11:15 coffee break

11:15 Aren Maeir: Earliest MBII at Hazor; The earliest MBII pottery assemblages in the Jordan valley: implications of socio-economic structure and foreign relations.

12:15 Esther Yadin/Moshe Kochavi: Typological Analysis of the MBIIA pottery from Aphek according to its Stratigraphical Provenance.

13:15-15:00 lunch break

afternoon session

15:00 Jean-Paul Thalmann: Early Middle Bronze Age Pottery at Tell Arqa-North Lebanon (and on the Northern Levantine Coast).

16:00 Lorenzo Nigro: MB Pottery at Ebla and the Chronology of Inner Syria.

17:00 Yves Calvet: Early Middle Bronze Age sites in the area of Salamiyah (Syria).

18:00 Berthold Einwag: The early Middle Bronze Age in the Euphrates Valley. The Evidence from Tuttul/Tall Bi'a.

19:00 reception at the Johannessaal of the Austrian Academy

27th of January

morning session

10:00 Marta Luciani: News from Syria: MBA in the East and the Qatna sequence.

Tell el Dab'a workshop and discussions

28th of January

departure of participants

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